By Jay North, aka J Mountain Chief

There is something about waking up to a beautiful sunrise and going outdoors to play with and nourish one’s wonderful crops. The early morning dew, the fragrance of dawn turning to day, and the sheer beauty and joy of one’s edible garden; for some green thumbs this is pure heaven.

We plant what we enjoy consuming and giving away our produce to friends; we plant for eye candy and dig the Earth for food, exercise and vitamin D. There is joy in that dirt. Get out and play with her more often. She loves us. Mother Earth rewards us with healthful foods and other splendor’s known to the ones who cherish her. But did you know she has secrets for healing your body with her bounty too? Yes, few green thumbs know her trickster coyote (*native tail) ways and she has great health in store for you. This is just one more reason to plant and consume your own organic foods.

Many people understand today this is a planet made up of matter, energy, space and time; energy being the dynamic force that controls the whole planet. If everything is made of these components and everything reacts to energy, well then Mother Earth will prove it and has a secret little plan that will help you grow the world’s healthiest crops. Not just for yourself but for loved ones as well. After all, this should be a family affair. A family that digs together stays together.

Mother Earth hears you!

She listens and provides. The next time you go out to seed your garden, ask your family and friends to join you in the ceremony.  Ask Mother Earth to feel your presence and give her respect and thanksgiving.

Prepare your garden in any planting methods you normally employ; only this time just before you lay your seeds in the soil ask Mother Earth to bless your seeds and your dirt and ask that your plants be of special quality for the highest good for all who will consume the plants you grow. Now here’s the fun part. Place the raw seeds in your hands and everyone else’s who are participating in the ceremony. Hold the seeds quietly, close your eyes and transfer your energy into the seeds—just allow this to happen, use your imagination. Mother Earth will know what your needs are by you simply holding the raw seeds in your hands. Try not to transfer a predetermined choice, just allow her to feel you and she will feel your energy, through the seeds.  Once one transfers their energy into the seeds, Mother Earth will be prepared to transfer everything the plant requires for healthy consumption. She will produce the plants you need for optimum health and vitality. From the transference of energy that you held in your hand(s), you will grow the worlds healthiest crops.

Yes, it is a metaphysical principle and works to insure the healthiest crops in the whole world. For folks with other religious philosophies or none for that matter, who don’t believe in such things–well give it a try anyway.

Practice this in a circle

Recall Hopi Prophecy. Live a simple life, plant a seed, speaks kind loving words to your plants as you would to a beautiful young child; save the world.

Try this planting method

Create a circle and dig a hole about 12” deep. I f you have access to them–plant a whole dead fish in the bottom of each hole; this is Hopi tradition. The circle should be 2-3’ in diameter and will accept a combination of your favorite veggies. With participants standing around the circle/hole place the fish at the bottom, fill the hole back up. Place seeds from everyone’s hands an inch or two below the surface. The energy transferred to the seeds and then to Mother Earth will grow the healthiest vegetables you have ever had. Place seeds in the soil in a quiet, respectful and reverent manner. Additionally, loving words should be spoken during the growing season, but no additional fertilizers other than the fish are needed.  Dig and plant as many holes as you wish, this is a no-till-method of planting and she loves you for that part as well. Don’t worry about pulling weeds around the circle—that way your bugs have a choice of what to eat first. You and Mother Earth have just seeded the world’s healthiest vegetables—enjoy them together.

Now I know there are thousands of would-be green thumbs out there in the world that would like to grow several tons of organic vegetables right in your own backyard. While several tons may not be possible, thousands of pounds are. If you write to me and ask me for a free report How To Grow 6000 Pounds Of Food—per year In Your Own Back Yard, I will send you the free report in PDF, directly to your email inbox, Pounds Of Food—per year In Your Own Back Yard write to me at

Happy Growing!

About the author:

Jay is a nationally recognized expert and pioneer in organic gardening and farming. His books Getting Started in Organic Gardening For Fun And Profit, The Windowsill Organic Gardener and Grow Yourself Rich can be found at

“Thing is my boy, things always change; what we need are changes that actually improve conditions on planet Earth” Leonard J. Mountain Chief.

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